Anything but Merry
Navigating an Unplanned Pregnancy During the Holidays
It’s the most wonderful time of the year. Christmas lights are twinkling everywhere you turn, hot chocolate is being poured at holiday parties, and sugar cookies are being devoured daily. It can be a season full of love, joy, and beautiful memories made with friends and family.
But if you are facing a pregnancy decision, this time of year can be anything but festive and fun.
You might be wondering, How can I enjoy the holidays with this unexpected news? Should I tell my significant other or parents that I’m pregnant? Should I get through the holidays before making an appointment? Should I make my decision now or later?
If you are asking yourself these questions, you are not alone. We are here to support you, answer your questions, and help you navigate this season.
First Things First
Before you make any pregnancy decisions, it’s important to verify your pregnancy. Insight Women’s Center offers free, medical-grade pregnancy tests administered by our medical professionals. After you’ve gotten a positive pregnancy test, the next step is to receive an ultrasound to determine a viable pregnancy, the fetal heartbeat, the location of the pregnancy, and how far along you are.
Take Some Time
Once your pregnancy has been verified, take time to process and learn about your pregnancy options before making any decisions. An unexpected pregnancy can lead to various emotions, fears, and stresses, so instead of rushing a decision to move on, take whatever time you need to make this big decision. During your options education appointment, a client advocate will share accurate information about all three pregnancy options: parenting, adoption, and abortion.
While our center does not offer, recommend or refer for abortions, we will share all of the information with you so you can make an educated, informed, and empowered decision.
Surround Yourself with Support
Whether you are surprised with the news of an unexpected pregnancy during the holidays, or any time of the year, it’s important to surround yourself with people who will support you through this. An unplanned pregnancy can affect you emotionally, physically, and relationally, so have friends and family in your corner who will lift you up, be a listening ear, and support you as you make your decision. If you don’t feel like you have people in your life to offer that kind of support, we are here for you.
* You should never allow anyone to force you into making a pregnancy decision. You are the only one who can choose an option for your pregnancy. Coercion is illegal and should be taken seriously. Unfortunately, 60% of abortions are performed because the women felt coerced into having one. If you, or someone you know is feeling pressured to have an abortion, contact Insight Women’s Center today and The Justice Foundation for additional resources. Our staff is here to provide a safe and comforting space where you can learn about your pregnancy options and be empowered to make your decision.
Bringing Merry Back
While you might be feeling anything but merry, take a deep, long breath.
Everything you are thinking and feeling regarding an unplanned or unexpected pregnancy is valid. We’ve already said this, but you are not alone. We are here for you! We are here to help you navigate the unexpected so you can enjoy your holidays without feeling stressed, pressured or anxious.
Schedule your free, caring, confidential appointment today!