Has the New Year Brought the Unexpected?
Has the New Year Brought the Unexpected?
It’s 2022. You’ve come to expect some element of the unexpected these past two years. Amid the challenges and curve balls thrown your way, you’ve been bent – perhaps to the point of feeling broken. But here you are, surviving and navigating your way into the future!
Perhaps missing your period was NOT how you had intended to kick-off the new year. Suddenly suspecting pregnancy, your optimism and resolutions are wrecked (or so it seems).
Or, perhaps, a suspected pregnancy isn’t expected but also not unwelcome. You remain cautiously optimistic!
Either way, it’s another curve ball provoking you to contemplate, “What now?”
Pregnancy testing is an important initial step.
There are a variety of at-home urine pregnancy tests available for purchase at your local corner drug store. Approximately $10-20 for a twin pack, different brands claim features from “early detection” to “triple check” and “digital results”. Some are more sensitive than others in their ability to detect the pregnancy hormone hCG. However, no matter the brand or claim, the most reliable results are only achieved after the day of your expected [missed] period. The most sensitive and accurate urine pregnancy tests are available through physician offices, hospitals, clinic labs, and Pregnancy Centers. In Lawrence, Insight Women’s Center offers medical-grade, high-sensitivity pregnancy testing, all at no cost to you.
A negative result likely means you are not pregnant.
However, a false-negative is possible if you tested prior to your missed period or have other factors affecting the result. Consider the following: Are your periods regular? Is it possible that you miscalculated the length of your cycle? Did you check the expiration date and follow the test instructions? Did the control indicator, typically a line or symbol, appear in the result window?
If you do not get your period within 7 days, you should retest. There are several reasons you could miss a period, including sudden weight gain/loss, problems with your ovaries, metabolic and/or thyroid conditions, excessive exercise, stress, recent illness, certain birth control methods and/or medications, and pregnancy. If you continue to get negative pregnancy test results, check with your healthcare provider to help you get your menstrual cycle back on track.
A positive result needs follow-up.
No matter your plans for this pregnancy, accurate information is vital.
Your doctor’s office can order a blood test or ultrasound to confirm pregnancy. A false-positive urine pregnancy test is rare. However, a false-positive might happen if you have hCG in your system for another reason such as with a recent pregnancy, a pregnancy loss soon after implantation, or taking fertility medications containing hCG. An ectopic pregnancy, menopause, or ovarian problems can also result in misleading urine pregnancy test results.
Another initial, affordable (free) option for pregnancy confirmation in Douglas County could include repeat urine testing with limited ultrasound at Insight Women’s Center. In this case, limited ultrasound is performed to confirm the presence of an intrauterine pregnancy, to estimate gestational age, and to detect fetal cardiac activity. In addition, Insight Women’s Center offers non-judgmental advocacy and helpful resources as you determine what comes next. Call 785-842-6499 or click for an appointment.
Considering the abortion pill? Before making a decision, read our blog post about it here to be informed.
This article was written by a practicing Insight Women’s Center registered nurse.