What is “Plan B” – The Facts on The Morning-After Pill
The “morning after pill” or “emergency contraception” is a familiar term for most women. It’s often seen as a safety net for unexpected situations. It boasts speed, safety, and ease, reassuring users that it’s contraception, not abortion.
But let’s delve into the medical aspects to uncover the reality. After all, it’s your body—having all the facts before taking any medication is crucial.
There are several over-the-counter versions like Plan B, My Way, My Choice, and E-Contra, all containing the same hormone. They’re recommended within 72 hours, tailored for women under 155lbs.
In a different category sits Ella, requiring a doctor’s prescription. It’s not a hormone-based pill, working within 5 days after unprotected sex and catering to women up to 195lbs.
How does it function? These pills operate similarly to the abortion pill, potentially blocking ovulation or altering the uterus lining to hinder a fertilized egg’s implantation. Dr. Donna Harrison, from AAPLOG, likens Plan B to RU-486, stating it induces abortion in pregnant women due to its similar drug composition.
Is it safe? Side effects range from nausea, vomiting, cramps, fatigue to changes in periods like spotting or pre-period bleeding. Notably, the Plan B website discourages its use as regular birth control and offers no protection against HIV or STDs.
Is it truly contraception? Contraception typically prevents conception (sperm-egg fusion). Plan B’s post-sexual encounter application leaves uncertainty about fertilization. Its mechanism altering the uterus lining suggests it acts post-fertilization.
Still uncertain? Seek advice from a licensed, experienced nurse in an environment that allows them to take their time and answer all of your questions thoroughly. This is exactly the kind of service you will find here at Insight Women’s Center. We can often see patients with same-day appointments, and all of our services are confidential and completely free of charge.
Get informed before deciding on Plan B. You deserve clarity!
Facing an unexpected pregnancy can be scary and leave you feeling like you are in a storm, uncertain of your next steps. But it’s vital that you have all the facts before making a decision. You might be tempted to move fast; but you have some time to think it over – and talk it over – with someone who can truly help.
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