4 Questions to Ask Yourself In An Unplanned Pregnancy
Finding out you’re pregnant can bring a whirlwind of emotions and questions. Here are four important questions to consider if you’re facing an unplanned pregnancy:
1. Am I Really Pregnant?
Before making any decisions, confirm your pregnancy with a reliable test. The Cleveland Clinic states that a positive can show up on most home tests as early as ten days after conception.
The downside to home pregnancy tests is the possibility of a false-positive result. Home tests can sometimes be hard to read, or the results could be impacted by medications you are on or even certain medications. For more information on home pregnancy tests, visit Medical News Today.
Home tests are a good start, but a professional medical test will provide more accurate results.
2. How Far Along Am I
Understanding how far along you are in your pregnancy is crucial for exploring your options. While a home test might show a clear positive, an ultrasound can help determine the gestational age and provide essential information about your pregnancy. Certain options may not be available to you if you are too far along in your pregnancy. An ultrasound can give you that information, helping you to make decisions that are best for you and your health.
There are two types of ultrasounds – abdominal and transvaginal. To read more about them, you can visit the ultrasound page on our website. Additionally, the American Pregnancy Association has great resources on this.
It’s important to know if your pregnancy is progressing normally. An ultrasound can detect a heartbeat and help rule out an ectopic pregnancy or other complications.
3. What Are My Options
There are several options to consider: parenting, adoption, and abortion. Each choice comes with its own set of considerations.
Parenting: You may initially believe that this isn’t the option for you because of your circumstances. But we are here to empower you, educate you, and walk with you – every step of the way, from pregnancy until well after the birth of your child. With education courses, expert support, and actual items to help with the baby, the possibility is open for you to entertain this option when you might initially believe it wouldn’t work. We even offer free housing during pregnancy and beyond at our new Selah Home.
Adoption: Adoption is one of those options that everyone knows about, but very few would know where to begin. While Insight Women’s Center does not perform adoption services, we can refer you on to those who can help. We can even assist you in locating an attorney that can help. We can put you in touch with organizations that help moms learn about the adoption process, answer questions, and are available to help them choose the forever family for their baby. This option is also completely free of charge, and you would have the added benefit of having one of our advocates walking with you through the entire process.
You might want to check out Zoe’s House Adoptions in Overland Park and Lifeline Women’s Resource Center in Topeka
Abortion: This option is one that everyone is most familiar with. And we have all been told that it is almost completely without risks. But that isn’t true. There are certainly physical risks that are possible with any medical procedure. And a risk that we see often, but is rarely spoken of are the emotional risks that accompany abortion. Woman have been – and are – hurt by abortion (read their stories here). Additionally, there is always a financial cost associated with abortion – pills and services are not offered for free, and vary by provider. It’s important that you understand all of the risks and costs associated with abortion before choosing this as your option.
Take the time to explore each one and think about what aligns best with your values and circumstances.
4. What Are My Next Steps
There are most definitely options available to you – even if this was an unplanned pregnancy, and not occurring at the time of your life when you expected it to. For the sake of your health – both current and future – it’s important that you research carefully each option and weigh them out.
Most importantly, you have time! Don’t rush into this – that’s when choices are made that can’t be taken back, and you may have to live with unexpected consequences for the rest of your life.
Once you have gathered all the information, think about your next steps. Scheduling an appointment with a healthcare provider can help you discuss your options in detail and plan your course of action.
We’re Here to Help
At Insight Women’s Center, we understand that every situation is unique. We’re here to provide you with the information and support you need to make the best decision for yourself. Our services are confidential and free of charge. Whether you need a pregnancy test, an ultrasound, or just someone to talk to, we’re here for you.
You can easily schedule an appointment at the link below. You don’t have to go through this alone – we’re here to help every step of the way.
Want to talk more about this? We’re here to answer your questions, provide help and give you options. It won’t cost you a thing to come in and speak with one of our nurses on staff.
Just click the “Request an Appointment” button below and pick a time that works for you.