Pregnancy Options - How to Make the Right Decision for You

Pregnancy Options: How to Make the Right Decision for You

When faced with major decisions that are fueled by stress (like what to do about an unexpected pregnancy) most women find that reacting quickly causes a lifetime of regret.

Taking the time for to learn about your pregnancy options, information that you can receive at Insight Women’s Center, can help you avoid that lifetime of regret.

Here are five reasons why:

  1. Managing Stress: Taking a breather allows you to not be controlled by your stress.
  2. Evaluating Options: A consultation lets you talk through the pros and cons of what a  pregnancy in your unique situation would entail.
  3. Uncovering New Information: You will likely learn about options and medical facts you didn’t know before now.
  4. Aligning with Values: When you set aside the stress and pressure you are feeling, even for just a moment, you can look at your options that line up with your values.
  5. Building Confidence: Carefully weighing out all your options gives you a greater peace, knowing that you didn’t rush to make choices based on the stress you were feeling at the time.

Keep reading for reasons why learning about your pregnancy options is in your best interest. We are here to help you make the best decision for you (both now and future you) as you face this unplanned pregnancy.

Step One to Managing Your Stress: Slow Down

We get it: Your life can feel completely out of control if you are faced with an unexpected pregnancy. In times like this, you are probably tempted to make hasty decisions out of fear, focusing only on immediate escape rather than long-term consequences. To make the best decision for your future, it’s crucial to think clearly. That’s why at Insight Women’s center, we offer pregnancy options as part of your initial visit with us. We provide a safe space for you (and your partner, if desired) to slow down and manage your stress. This helps you see the bigger picture and think through things you might not have considered.

Here, you’ll be able to get answers to your specific questions and talk through your concerns with a medical professional. You can find out – in a safe space and with no pressure or judgment – what options you really have. This pregnancy touches all aspects of your life, as well as other’s. You need to slow down and get the information that is important.

No one should feel trapped into just one choice. You should have the time to calmly explore all your options, giving you the confidence to make decisions that are best for everyone.

What Options Are Available to You?

Your pregnancy decision is influenced by your circumstances. All of the things that make you YOU – like your relationships, your past, where you want to be in the future, and even your job situation – should be taken into consideration as you consider this pregnancy. Your decision may need to be different from someone else’s. Sitting down with a compassionate and knowledgeable advocate is vital to choosing the best option for you. During a pregnancy options consultation, your advocate will help you think through:

  • Your support system
  • How your goals might be impacted by continuing your pregnancy
  • What matters most to you and how your options align with those values
  • Reactions from important people in your life and their impact on your decision
  • Your living situation, job status, and physical and mental health

This personalized evaluation helps you make a decision that truly works for you. Equipped with all the facts, you can confidently choose the best next step.

Get Your Decision-Making Information from the Right Places

If your main sources of information are Google and social media, remember that these platforms often show you information based on your previous searches, potentially limiting your view. A pregnancy options consultation can provide you with new, comprehensive information. At Insight Women’s Center, we aim to equip women with all the facts they need, plus resources, help and support, to make fully informed choices.

For example, while you might hear a lot about the abortion pill, you may not know about the down sides and dangers of it (especially the danger of ordering it online). The same goes for adoption and parenting options. Accurate information and available resources are essential for making wise decisions. Hearing the truth from committed professionals who have your best interests at heard ensures you decide based on complete information.

Make Decisions That Align With Your Values

Making a snap decision out of fear, rather than based on your values, can lead to regret. A pregnancy options consultation helps you remember what matters most to you and helps you plan your future in a way that makes you proud. Everyone has values, and it’s important to stand strong against conflicting values.

At Insight Women’s Center, we value you. You are unique and special, and your life matters. We serve you free of charge, which means that you never have to worry that we will push you towards a decision for our benefit. Unlike abortion providers, who are paid for their services, we empower you to make a decision that aligns with your values.

Your Decision Will Impact You for the Rest of Your Life

There’s nothing worse than discovering later that you could have chosen differently if only you’d known all the options. Taking the time to explore all your options, think through the risks and benefits, and make a well-informed decision empowers you to move forward confidently. A pregnancy options consultation helps you weed out the options that are not right for you, allowing you to choose the path you can celebrate for years to come.

For more reading on our site about Pregnancy Tests, check out our Pregnancy Testing page.

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Want to talk more about this? We’re here to answer your questions, provide help and give you options. It won’t cost you a thing to come in and speak with one of our nurses on staff.

  Just click the “Request an Appointment” button below and pick a time that works for you.
