When Your Parnter Wants an Abortion - But You are Still Unsure
What are your options when your partner wants an abortion, but you just aren’t convinced yet? Do you give in and get one? What options are even available to you?
Finding out that you are suddenly facing an unplanned pregnancy can introduce considerable stress into your life. It can also put a lot of pressure on your relationship, whether with a partner or boyfriend. The fear and uncertainty that often come with such news may lead to some conflict, especially if your partner is pushing you towards abortion.
It’s crucial that – in the middle of this stress – you take the time to reflect on what YOU genuinely want to do in this situation.
You should never feel obligated to make a medical decision that doesn’t align with your comfort level, even if that pressure is coming from your partner. By giving yourself the space to explore and fully understand all your options, you can approach your decision with greater clarity and confidence.
In other words, you can make the best decision for YOU.
Let’s walk through some things that you need to take into consideration as you look into your options.
Priority #1: Your Safety
As you explore your options, keep in mind that your safety and the safety of your unborn child should always be the top priority. You may disagree with your partner about the future; and we have seen that it can sometimes lead to tension or even escalate into physical or emotional abuse. If you ever feel threatened or unsafe, the National Domestic Violence Hotline is available 24/7 at 800-799-7233.
Get to Know All of the Options Available to You
Unplanned pregnancies, while challenging, do happen often (in fact, we see them every day). Depending on your medical history and how far along your pregnancy is, there are typically three main options that you need to understand: abortion, adoption, and parenting.
Abortion is a significant medical procedure and carries potential physical and emotional risks (click on the links to read articles about each of those risks). Due to its medical procedure nature, an abortion should ALWAYS come with full disclosure of potential risks and side effects, as well as post-procedure follow-up and care. If you are considering this option, and all of these services are not clearly stated, you should be very cautious. Medical procedures should never be done without full disclosure and careful follow-up. At Insight Women’s Center, we provide evidence-based medical education and nursing consultations – all at no cost to you. Feel free to make an appointment to talk through your available options before making a final decision.
Adoption is an option that allows you to continue pursuing your life goals after the pregnancy. If you decide that parenting simply can’t fit into your life right now, adoption can offer a similar outcome to abortion in terms of life direction but without the physical risks associated with the procedure. Adoption also provides the opportunity for your child to be raised in a loving home, which may be a comforting consideration for some women. While Insight Women’s Center does not facilitate adoptions, we can thoroughly discuss it’s potential with you, and provide a list of referral adoption agencies in our area that have been thoroughly vetted.
Parenting may initially seem out of the question and completely overwhelming to you, but with a solid support system and hands-on learning, many women realize they can genuinely flourish in motherhood. In fact, we see this all the time! From Fatherhood classes, to peer-support groups, parenting education, actual supplies to help you with the baby (and beyond), Insight Women’s Center is an excellent place to seek guidance and support, helping you explore parenting as a viable option for your unique situation. (And for those of you who are students and wondering if you can juggle pregnancy, parenting and college – check out these linked articles.)
We’re Here to Support You
Remember, knowledge is power. You deserve to be fully informed before making decisions about your unplanned pregnancy. At Insight Women’s Center, our staff is committed to providing you with clear and evidence-based medical education about abortion, adoption, and parenting.
Ultimately, the decision is yours, and we’re here to support you in choosing the best path for your pregnancy and future.
Additional Links:
Think you might be pregnant? Take this helpful pregnancy quiz
Learn more about our services for men
Want to talk more about this? We’re here to answer your questions, provide help and give you options. It won’t cost you a thing to come in and speak with one of our nurses on staff.
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